De Profundis

Letter from G to PA (2013-3-10), page 4

I do not doubt these new companions are serious at their work, but I am uncertain they could handle the seriousness of mine. They would not understand, I think, nor respond with anything less than sheer panic if I even tried to inform them of even the first hints of such matters. You and I both know the all too real danger from what … who it is that paces hungrily along the thin borders protecting our fragile human civilization looking for any opportunity to break through … and, even beyond these frightening facts there are ecstatic mysteries on the other side for those willing and able and, yes, bold enough to strike out on expeditions from our side to the other

No one of us alone could complete all the tasks necessary, let alone all those possible. There must be a way to gather those of us who remain. With this thought in mind, I have begun exploring the local area’s calendar for some conference or another that perhaps we can infiltrate. I have in mind some event where strangers meeting in smaller groups might not be suspicious but also that provides enough unaware meandering and distractions for meetings of our smaller group to go unnoticed and uninterrupted. If those few of us left can meet, compare notes on our most recent experiments or other developments, then perhaps we can find a way to go on from here.




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